
Providing the best insurance policy to customers.

Daramola Babatunde

Mr. Tunde Daramola is a director of Hallmark HMO. He has played strategic roles in a number of Corporate Transformation projects within the Group in addition to his role as the Chief Financial Officer. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria and an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria. He is also a Member of the Nigerian Institute of Management. He graduated from the Lagos State Polytechnic with a Higher National Diploma in Insurance and also holds the MBA (Finance and Accounting) of the University of Liverpool (U.K.). Tunde has vast working experience spanning Insurance Broking, Underwriting, Banking and a stint in the oil industry having worked in Exxon Mobil Nigeria, Glanvill Enthoven & Co.(Nig.), Continental Trust Bank Ltd. (now part of UBA PLC), Tunde served as a two-time Chairman of the Accounting Technical Committee of the Nigerian Insurers Association, and also as a member of the Insurance Industry Accounting Practices Committee established by the National Insurance Commission. He was also a member of MCPD planning Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria He is currently a member of the Finance and General Purpose Committee of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria. .

Mission – to provide quality health maintenance services, reduce anxiety and create value for all stakeholders.
Vision – to be the first choice HMO in Nigeria.